
Skin Cancer is the most prevalent cancer in the U.S., and when caught early one of the most treatable cancers. Newman Memorial hospital recommends that you limit sun exposure, wear sun screen, and see your healthcare provider if you have a mole with any of the following:

The ABCDEs of detecting skin cancer...

A - Asymmetry one half of a mole is different than the other

B - Border is irregular, scalloped or poorly defined

C - Color is varied, has shades of tan, brown or black (rare cases white, red or blue)

D - Diameter is greater that 6mm (about the size of a pencil eraser)

E - Evolving size shape or color.

You do not need to have all of these signs in order to be diagnosed with skin cancer.

Helpful Links:

Our dermatology clinics are held once a month at Newman Memorial Hospital.

Call 580-938-2551 Ext. 107 to schedule or for more information.